Meet Our Newest Mission Partner!
It’s hard to believe that summer will all too soon come to an end, and our kiddos will be headed back to school! I can still remember all the excitement of going back to school shopping…picking out new notebooks, folders, a backpack and clothes! I think that excitement made it easier for me to say goodbye to the fun summer days and excited for what the new school had to offer.
Sadly, though, so many families cannot afford the basic supplies that kids need for school. Not only do parents not want their children to go into school empty handed, but not having the supplies they need can affect their learning. When children have the supplies they need, it helps to promote success and strengthen positive attitudes towards school. That is why this quarter Star Kids Company has decided to support the Kids In Need Foundation.
The Kids In Need Foundation’s mission is to ensure that every child is prepared to learn and succeed in the classroom by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need.
This organization really pulls at our heart…. education is the foundation of success. We want to help all children have what they need, so they can grow and succeed. So, with every purchase made this quarter, a portion of the sale will go directly to this organization. I want to thank you in advance for helping all students walk into the new school year, with new supplies and a new drive to grow and thrive!
To learn more about this incredible organization visit the MISSION PARTNER tab right here on our website or check out their website and social media pages listed below.
Many Blessings,