And what about that little elf?

And what about that little elf?

So many families have already started the tradition of hiding an Elf.  And while many enjoy that tradition and don’t want to give it up, they are not sure how to do both the Elf and The Star From Afar…. how to squeeze in yet another “hide and seek”!?!? No worries though, remember with The Star From Afar, there is no magic involved.  The children know that mom and dad or older siblings…maybe even grandma and grandpa are hiding the Star.   Or maybe Elfy himself is moving the Star from place to place each day because he wants us to remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas.  The fun of it is that we are looking to follow the Star, just as the Wise Men were when they were looking for the newborn King. 

So, if your family uses an Elf, you can choose to hide the Star next to the Elf or hide the star in a different place for more hunting (which can be helpful if you have more than one child looking).  Or have the kids take turns hiding the Star for one another, so mom and dad don’t have to come up with so many hiding spots! A great way to introduce the Star From Afar to your kids is to have your Elf bring it to them as a gift! Their Elf wants to remind them of the real reason we celebrate Christmas too!

The point is, don’t feel overwhelmed with another “hiding game”, this is truly meant to keep Christ as the center of Christmas because we all know with the bright lights and busyness of the season, it can be easy to lose sight of what we are really celebrating---the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  So however your family chooses to hide, your family makes the rules---after all it’s your family’s celebration and tradition! 

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