The Classroom Star from Afar®
Not only are we fundraising with Star From Afar in schools…our local Christian and Catholic schools are already using The Star From Afar and the students are loving it! You may be thinking….how are they doing it? Well here are a few ideas
-Each day many students have a “job” for the day--so for the month of December, the Star Seeker is a job---that lucky kiddo gets to find the star for the day or maybe even hide it for the day or BOTH!
-If it is more fitting to have everyone look in the morning (or after lunch---part of the fun maybe changing the time of when the star appears) the student who finds the star gets to lead the group in prayer or be the line leader and lead the group just as the star lead the Wise Men to Jesus
-During the month of December, children can take turns being the star student….they might get to wear a crown for the day and share something special that their family does to celebrate Christmas
-The teacher can also create a bulletin board with stars….the students can write their prayer requests on the stars (or the teacher can do the writing) and this can serve as a focal point behind the nativity scene
-Here is a link for a fun Advent BINGO that students might enjoy playing as well
The ways to include Star From Afar in a classroom are really limitless….the class will love to work as a team and enjoy the fun “hide and seek” game