The Star From Afar® and Epiphany
Some have asked about the Epiphany and how it can be observed using The Star From Afar game. Not all Christians observe this day but if your family does, here is an idea of how to extend the game as well as some information about the day itself.
The Epiphany, or Three Kings’ Day, is one of the oldest Christian celebrations. It means “manifestation” or “showing forth”. Many Christians celebrate the Epiphany to emphasize when the Magi, or The Three Kings, are thought to have reached the infant Jesus in Bethlehem. They had been following the star and when they found baby Jesus they presented Him with gold, frankincense and myrrh. Many Christians observe the Epiphany on January 6th.
To help incorporate this special feast using The Star From Afar, just continue to play the game with the Three Kings and star until January 6th. Some of you may choose to set up the whole nativity including baby Jesus the whole month of December; while others will wait to have baby Jesus arrive on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning---but that’s the best part of this game---your family chooses when to start and how to set up the nativity. No matter when your family chooses to put baby Jesus in the stable, just wait to have the Kings and star arrive at the stable. Continue to move the star and the Kings until January 6th at which time the star and the Kings reach the stable and find Baby Jesus lying in the manager. This way you and your family can continue to enjoy the game a little longer and if you celebrate the Epiphany, there is a visual reminder of that special day.
Below are some interesting tidbits about the Epiphany:
-The Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th because it is called the “Twelfth Night” and January 6th is the 12th day after Christ’s birth
-For some the Epiphany is a celebration of the Baptism of Jesus and His turning water into wine, since the holiday is a manifestation of His divine being
-Some places around the world celebrate by having children dress up as kings and visit homes singing songs, others collect money for charity, some place their shoes outside the door so that the Three Kings will leave their gifts inside and some families even leave a box of grass (or hay) outside for the Three Kings’ camels to eat (similar to leaving cookies for santa)
-The Epiphany also marks the beginning of Mardi Gras, so some celebrate by baking and eating king cakes or bread